Monday 26 October 2020

COVID-19 Response and Expansion of Medical and Healthcare Outreach initiatives


EduCARE India has been providing volunteer support services to local Red Cross and a charity hospital during COVID-19 pandemic response in capacity building and strategic initiatives, including infrastructural development, community kitchen, new strategic initiatives, training and development,  community disaster education, and emergency first aid.

EduCARE India volunteers and international students in internship, namely Freja from Denmark and Julia from Netherlands had initiated a "Kangra Fights Corona" initiative in the initial weeks of the lockdown in March and April 2020 while working at our Centre for Environment, Health and Safety set up in partnership with local Red Cross, Disaster Management Authority, and Maple Leaf Hospital. This initiative aimed to spread message of community mobilisation for support to vulnerable individuals and families and spreading positivity and hope during the initial days of panic and chaos of coronavirus/covid-19 pandemic response.

Later this initiative was merged into another initiative - SEHAT SEVA (Social-care Empowerment, Health Advocacy and Telemedicine through Social Entrepreneurship and Volunteer Action) that EduCARE India had started working on to deliver public health and medical outreach services to needy and elders at home during the lockdowns with support of our various stakeholders - Red Cross, Emergency Operations Centre, Block Medical Office, and Maple Leaf Hospital.

A "Red Cross Psycho-social Support Centre" was also established to help the stuck up international and national tourists and the migrants in distress.

A residential "De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre" was re-started to meet the rising needs of the patients.

A Community Kitchen was started in support of the visiting patients, and launched an online charity heritage auction to help the charity hospital raise funds.

Awareness visits were facilitated for frontline health-workers and Corona warriors.

Some of the disused hospital facilities were refurbished to prepare for possible rising emergency admissions at the hospital medical facilities.

Engaged and facilitated several national and overseas international students and young professionals for online volunteer work and internships in support of ongoing work and their academic fieldwork certificate and experiential learning needs.

Organised several workshops, seminars and workshops in support of some of the causes and sustainable development goals.

Launched setting up of a "Regional Centre for Geriatrics and Elderly Care" on the International Day for Older Persons, and committed 10% seed funding / social investment from EduCARE India and its affiliates to this cause.

Committed to set up about 1000+ SEHAT SEVA Centres / SEHAT SEVA Centres for the need of rural population in emergency times and for home health aide of the needy and elderly and in recovery patients in the normal times,