The complexity of project management in sustainable development
The second
month revealed the diversity and complexity of project management in the
development sector. First of all, I had my first “quarterlies”, a
conference/seminar that takes place four times a year in which interns from all
of EduCARE India’s centres get together and discuss their achievements but also
the challenges they encounter in their various, often multifaceted projects.
Our Team from 7 countries
During this
quarterly event we learned about COMPLEX PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES, and on
the kinds of THINKING one adopts in his/her everyday work in development. E.g.
we had to determine which thinking style we use, i.e. we had to think about
thinking, such as whether we’re an analyst, follower, learner, creator,
inventor or talker & leader. I judged myself to be a learner, because one
gains so many soft skills as well as knowledge about the development sector
while living and working in the communities on ground. Also, one almost
inevitably becomes a LEARNER because development work is so multifaceted- It
involves building rapport and knowledge exchange with local authorities at the
governmental level, regarding my waste management project this meant meeting
the district coordinator on sanitation and waste management(Please see blog for June “The challenge but also massive opportunity of inducing
sustainability and environmental conservation in rural India”) as well as doing field trips to
work-related settings, such as visiting the unsanitary landfill/dumpsite in
Dharamshala, a nearby town of our centre in Naddi.
The unsanitary landfill in the
nearby town Dharamshala to which also most waste from Naddi goes. It is my
responsibility to have no more waste reach this DUMPSITE.
work also involves ONLINE RESEARCH, in my case on the INDIAN CONTEXT, on GOOD
PRACTICE SITES and on factors to consider when planning and implementing such a
project. Furthermore, the multifaceted nature of development domains such as
solid waste management does not stop with the various stakeholders involved. In
order for it to be encompassing and sustainable it must involve APPLIED
RESEARCH that covers all types of groups or beneficiaries, in my case in the
village of Naddi this means including parties as diverse as market food stands,
grocery shops, laundry services, restaurants, hairdressers, households and
A “Chai” Tea Break after the
‘household’ survey with this local lady
A 1 ½ hour interview with one of the
very few female hotel managers in the village
ENGAGEMENT thus is crucial and this is where health and education kick in, a
crucial desired output of many development projects, including mine. For my
project community engagement, e.g. includes holding workshops on sustainable
waste practices on the grounds of reduce, reuse, recycle as well as doing a
community cleanup with the entire village that also involves an educational
component. Furthermore, probably most importantly, it also means collecting
data of the entire village on waste behaviours and views as well as on their
appraisal of the current waste management in place(or lack of thereof). Hence,
attaining LOCAL OWNERSHIP, will likely achieve greater satisfaction among the
community and thus also achieve greater sustainability. For my project to be
sustainable and to have the most comprehensive and lasting impact I need to
consider and incorporate all stakeholders, e.g. through doing surveys with all
stakeholders such as the ones listed above. It also implies collaborating with
project managers from other development domains of the organization. In my
case, this e.g. means collecting soft plastic for the participants of the Young
Women’s Association which they use to make cushions and pillows. Through doing
this, the women can use waste as a resource and don’t have to spend money on
purchasing new cushions but instead reuse existing waste material to make
something new. In other words, waste is no longer wasted but given a new
COMPLEX is essential. The more comprehensive, the more planned, the more
researched and the more encompassing a development project is, the greater its
likelihood of success- It is key to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
Malte Rose
Asst Program
India NGO